Membership Policy

SEEP is a Virtual Society, which offers membership to any individual and organization, who are associated with Vertical Transportation (Elevators / Lifts & Escalators) Industry across the globe and without any discrimination.

Membership Categories:

Individuals and organization across the globe can register in one of the following membership categories:

  • Professional Member: Elevator / Lift & Escalator Professioanals (Executives, Managers, Engineers, Inspectors, Officers, Supervisors, Foremen, Mechanics, Technicians).
  • Associate Member: Individuals or entities that support SEEP objectives but do not meet the criteria for full membership. (Consultants, Architects, Instructors, Trainers).
  • Corporate Member: Elevator / Lift & Escalator Companies (Business Owners, 3rd Party Elevator/ Escalator Inspection Companies, Parts Suppliers, Sub-contractors, Operators)
  • Student Member: Undergraduates, graduates from any Engineering discipline pursuing a career in the Vertical Transportation Industry (Minimum Age Limit is 18 years).
  • Honorary Member: Individuals or organization recognized for their significant contributions to the VT Community or SEEP.

Membership Benefits:

SEEP Membership can provide numerous benefits that contribute to both personal and professional growth.

Here are some typical benefits outlined in bullet points:

  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with professionals in the Veritical Transportation Industry, offering a chance to build relationships, share knowledge, and find mentors or collaborators.
  • Professional Development: Access to workshops, seminars, and conferences that help members stay current with industry trends and advancements.
  • Educational Resources: Availability of exclusive publications, case studies, research papers, and educational materials to enhance knowledge and skills.
  • Learning & Development: Opportunities for professional certifications and specialized training that can enhance career prospects and credibility.
  • Career Services: Job boards, career counselling and advice, and recruitment opportunities tailored to the industry, helping members advance their careers or find new opportunities.
  • Industry Insights: Regular updates on industry trends, innovations, and regulatory changes through VT Community notifications, posts, and webinars.
  • Leadership Opportunities: Chances to take on leadership roles within the VT Community, such as serving as Moderator, VT Expert, Admin, Committee Member or leading projects, which can improve leadership skills and visibility in the industry.
  • Discounts and Perks: Reduced fees for conferences, access to member-only deals, and discounts on professional tools and services.
  • Promotion and Recognition: Eligibility for shout-out, awards and recognition programs that highlight members’ achievements and contributions to the field.

Rights & Privileges of Members:

The rights and priviliges of members are determined by their membership category.

  • Professional Member (PM)
  • Associate Member (AM)
  • Corporate Member (CM)
  • Student Member (SM)
  • Honorary Member (HM)

Membership Fee:

SEEP membership is absolutely FREE for all membership categories, however, the members, with verifiable credentials should pay the Membership & Certification Fee for database record and Certifciates/ID card Issuance.

Membership Verification:

SEEP Certificates & Members Database is publically available for online verification Please click here to check the record.

Membership Procedure:

Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria can apply by submitting the Membership e-Form for the review by SEEP. Applicant will recieve the registration status at their registered email address for further necessary action.

✅ If you are already an approved member, please Login or click Register for the new membership. 

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Membership Termination:

SEEP Membership might be terminated under the following circumstances:

  • Violation of SEEP Guidelines, or code of conduct.
  • Volunteerly request by individual or organization to terminate their membership.
  • Actions deemed detrimental to the interests or objectives of SEEP, as determined by SEEP Management Team.

Membership Restoration:

Members whose membership has been terminated may apply for reinstatement after addressing the reasons for termination, subject to the approval of SEEP Management Team.