Lift Travel – Human Psychology

Lift travel can evoke a range of psychological responses. Confinement in a small, enclosed space often triggers mild anxiety or claustrophobia in some individuals. The proximity to strangers can heighten self-awareness and discomfort, leading to avoidance of eye contact and minimal conversation.

Social norms dictate polite behavior, like facing forward and maintaining personal space. Elevators also amplify social hierarchies; for instance, people might defer to those in positions of authority by allowing them to enter or exit first. Additionally, the brief, shared journey can foster a sense of temporary camaraderie, albeit one that dissolves once the doors open.

The elevator’s speed is designed in such a way that it can take the passenger from the lowest floor to the top floor in just 60 seconds. That includes door closing and door opening time also.

It’s a human tendency to keep himself engaged in some or other activities.

Which can be watching around, singing, playing with car buttons, scratching on cabin panels, playing musical sounds through cabin panels, looking at faces in the mirror or mirror finish cabin panels, combing, whistling, or simply closing eyes and thinking about something.

Somehow he keeps himself engaged in any of these activities till he reaches his destination floor.

But this may create a nuisance for fellow passengers or sometimes damage to the cabin panel or accessories.

To avoid such nuisance, discomfort, or damages, we need to channel the minds of the passengers and keep them engaged in some well-planned activities.

Here are some simple but useful suggestions.

  • Provide some music that can make the passenger feel relaxed.
  • Provide Announcements system regarding floor arrivals.
  • Provide news flash in the cabin
  • Provide a Mirror inside the cabin to refresh.
  • Provide Announcements about safety instructions.

Our study and interaction with several users confirm that most of the passengers prefer light music along with floor announcements during travel.

Whatever it may be, the passenger’s ultimate aim is to reach his destination floor safely.

All other things are immaterial or of little importance to them.

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