Destination Control System in Elevators

Global Demand is increasing for a system assigning optimum car in a group of Elevators according to destination floor registered at hall instead of car.

There are mainly three types of Destination Control Systems in Elevators.

1. Hall Operating type:

In this type passenger to register destination floor by using hall operating panel installed at lobby or at the wall near to elevator entrance door. The destination floor is already registered automatically when the passenger gets on elevator. A suitable car is assigned to the destination floor and the assigned car number is displayed on Hall operating panel screen. By this system traffic efficiency is increased by allocating passengers to cars depending on destination floors and the car stops are minimized. Travel time and Waiting time is reduced by using this system.

2. Hall operating type integrated with card reader:

In this type Hall operating panel is provided with card reader. Passengers scan their card over card reader. Then the preset destination floor is automatically registered. If there is no preset destination floor, then passengers select the floor manually on hall operating panel and the assigned car number is displayed on hall operating panel screen. Passenger to wait in front of the assigned car. In addition to the advantages of hall operating type, a high-level security is assured by issuing security cards to authorized persons only.

3. Hall operating type integrated with card reader and security gates:

In this type hall operating panel is provided with card reader and additionally Elevator destination control system is integrated with Building security gates with card reader normally installed at building side near to elevator lobby. Passengers scan their card over card reader on the security gate. The preset destination floor is automatically registered, and a suitable car is assigned immediately. Passengers passing the security gate can check the car number on the LCD screen on the Security gate and go to that car and wait for car arriving. In addition to the advantages of hall operating type and hall operating panel with car reader, the advantage of smooth traffic flow is assured as passengers are waiting in queue for passing into security gates. Also, passengers can check the assigned car at the security gate screen and do not have to operate hall operating panel.

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