VT Community

VT Community is a unique discussion forum about every aspect of vertical transportation industry. A perfect place for virtual networking, learning, sharing and value addition.

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Welcome Message

Hello and Welcome!

We’re thrilled to have you join our vibrant and growing online community! Here, you’ll find a diverse group of people who share your interests and passions within Vertical Transportation Industry. Whether you’re looking to share knowledge, learn something new, or looking for a future job/business prospect, you’ve come to the right place.

As a member, you can contribute to discussions, share your experiences, and connect with others. We encourage you to explore the forums, join the conversations, and take advantage of all the resources available. Don’t forget to check out our community guidelines to help create a respectful and positive environment for everyone.

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to our community experts and support team or any member of our community. We’re all here to help each other and make sure your experience is enjoyable and rewarding.

Please join hands and invite all your colleagues and contacts from the Vertical Transportation industry and help us make it one of the most inspiring communities of all times.

We can’t wait to see what you’ll bring to SEEP Community.

Warm regards – Shakeel Ahmad

Founder – SEEP

Ahmed Abdelsalam has reacted to this post.
Ahmed Abdelsalam
Founder of the Society of Elevators & Escalators Professionals

Happy to be here and cant wait to meet all the VT experts here!!

SEEP Official has reacted to this post.
SEEP Official

Disclaimer: SEEP doesn’t encourage its member to share trade secrets, or confidential information related to any brand or organization. SEEP will not be held responsible in case of any intellectual property or informaton security infrengement. (SEEP Community Guidelines)